
Mindset makes money

Hi, I’m Izzy, a self-proclaimed investor and trader since 2008.

My focus begins with a healthy mindset, as this is the core to success in any avenue in life. A healthy mindset can not only ‘make money’, which is my slogan, but it can create a happier, and more fulfilling life. Let’s work together to break through barriers, find your unique edge and allow you to conquer the world of trading at your full potential.

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Fuel growth, one insightful question at a time.

Personalized 1-on-1 coaching

Individualized one on one coaching sessions, to better understand your needs as both an individual and a trader.

Structured Weekly Market Reports

A vast overview of the global markets, with in-depth analysis and coverage from a technical and macro standpoint.

Online Courses

Unlock your true mindset.

Elevate your mindset to achieve personal and professional success.

What folks are saying about msizzytrades

Clarity and Confidence

Unique Market Experience

Turning point in Career


How are the coaching sessions conducted?

Our coaching sessions are conducted online via secure video conferencing platforms, ensuring convenience and accessibility for clients worldwide.

What is personal mindset coaching?

Personal mindset coaching is a tailored process that helps individuals identify limiting beliefs, reshape negative thought patterns, and cultivate a growth-oriented mindset, enhancing both personal and professional growth.

What commitment is required?

A commitment to personal mindset coaching requires regular attendance to sessions, openness to self-reflection and change, and a willingness to actively apply learned strategies in daily life for optimal results.

What results can I expect from the mindset performance coaching?

From mindset coaching, you can expect enhanced clarity, improved decision-making, the ability to overcome limiting beliefs, and a proactive approach to challenges. This often leads to increased confidence, greater life satisfaction, and progress in personal and professional goals.

How much does the coaching cost?

Our coaching fees vary based on the program selected and its duration. For detailed pricing and packages, please refer to our “Pricing” page or contact us directly for a tailored quote.

How do I start with the mindset performance coaching process?

To start with the mindset coaching process, simply reach out to us via our “Contact” page. We’ll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your goals, answer any questions, and determine the best coaching plan tailored to your needs.

How do I know if the coaching is working?

You’ll recognize the effectiveness of mindset coaching through observable changes: increased clarity in decision-making, a shift in perception of challenges, heightened confidence, and progress toward your goals. Additionally, consistent reflection and feedback sessions with your coach will help assess and track your growth journey.

Who can benefit from this coaching?

Anyone seeking personal or professional growth can benefit from this coaching. Whether you’re facing challenges, aiming to elevate your performance, or simply wish to understand and reshape your mindset, our coaching is designed to empower individuals from all walks of life.


Ready to transform your mindset?

Schedule your free consultation and find out how mindset coaching can help you.